What Is The Definition Of Strike In Bowling?
1. A strike occurs in bowling when the bowler knocks down all 10 of the pins in the first roll. On the score sheet, a strike is indicated by a simple X marking.
When it comes to scoring, the first strike is worth 10 points. If a bowler hits a strike immediately after, then next frame would essentially be counted twice for scoring purposes as a bonus.
Here is an example of how a single strike and the frame after would be scored:
Frames Rolled:
- Frame 1, Ball 1: 10 (Strike)
- Frame 2, Ball 1: 6
- Frame 2, Ball 2: 2
- Frame 1: 10 + (6 + 2) = 18 points
- Frame 2: 6 + 2 = 8 points
- Total Points: 26 points
Here’s an example for if a bowler continues to roll a strike thereafter, therefore showing how the bonus points are applied.
Frames Rolled:
- Frame 1, Ball 1: 10 (Strike)
- Frame 2, Ball 1: 10 (Strike)
- Frame 3, Ball 1: 6
- Frame 3, Ball 2: 2
- Frame 1: 10 + (10 + 6) = 26 points
- Frame 2: 10 + (6 + 2) = 18 points
- Frame 3: 6 + 2 = 8 points
- Total Points: 52 points
How Many Strikes Are In A Perfect Game In Bowling?
In order to receive a perfect game in bowling, the bowler must roll 12 consecutive strikes in a row.
Example Of How Strike Is Used In Commentary
1. Holman continues to stay locked in, throwing his second turkey of this match.
Sport The Term Is Used
1. Bowling