What is the definition of sparring in boxing & MMA?
1. Sparring is a training technique in which fighters work on punches, footwork and defense without actually fighting.
Boxers typically wear protective gear, such as larger gloves, to provide added safety during these practice matches. There is an understanding that training will proceed without either individual attempting to injure the other.
What does sparring mean?
In a literal sense, to “spar” means to fight. But in mixed martial arts (MMA), boxing and other combat sports, sparring is done without the intent to cause harm to another fighter. Instead, the focus is on practicing skills and improving technique.
In a sparring match, the primary purpose isn’t to see who wins and who loses. It’s to assess each fighter’s skills and work on developing those skills in preparation for official bouts. Sparring also gives fighters an opportunity to identify any weak spots they may have so they know what to focus on in their training.
Although sparring is intended to be less intense than a real fight, it can still be aggressive and potentially dangerous. Fighters may get hurt during a sparring session, but the injuries are typically not as serious as those they might sustain in an actual match.
What is a sparring partner?
A sparring partner is the person an athlete works on their skills with while sparring. For each sparring session, there are two individuals involved. A fighter’s sparring partner might be a fellow athlete, or it may just be someone with fighting experience who can help them practice.
What is sparring vs. boxing?
The difference between sparring and boxing is that sparring is an activity done for practice, while boxing refers to the sport in general. A sparring session is done for training purposes, but a boxing match is an actual competition with a winner and loser.
What sports use sparring to train?
A number of different martial arts and combat sports use sparring to help competitors train for official fights, including:
- Boxing
- Jiu-jitsu
- Judo
- Karate
- Kendo
- Taekwondo
- Kickboxing
What are the three types of sparring?
In MMA, there are three types of sparring: technical, conditional and open sparring.
Technical sparring
Technical sparring is a non-contact practice where fighters learn and develop new techniques. The fighters often stay in place rather than moving around, and they generally take turns performing specific techniques and responding.
This type of sparring has a slower pace and lower intensity level. The fighters involved may even choose not to wear certain types of protective gear since no contact takes place. Technical sparring usually doesn’t take place in a ring since it isn’t as much about simulating real fight conditions as it is about technique development.
Conditional sparring
Conditional sparring takes place in the ring but has restrictions on what fighters can and cannot do. The fighters involved typically wear all of their protective gear since the participants make contact with one another.
The restrictions for conditional sparring can be customized to help fighters work on specific skills. For example, they may be restricted to using jabs or kicks only, or one of the participants may only work on defensive skills rather than attacking their opponent. These types of conditions help fighters work on concentration and discipline in the ring while also honing certain techniques.
Open sparring
Open sparring is similar to a proper match, except a coach often stops fighters to provide feedback. This is as close to a real match as fighters get in their training, so they should wear complete protective gear and warm up before they begin.
In open sparring, fighters can use any of their skills and make contact with their opponent. Because open sparring is so similar to actual bouts, it helps fighters to work on their stamina as well.
The intensity level is higher with open sparring, but participants still need to exert some control over their attacks. There should not be any heavy blows thrown or aggressive kicks that could injure someone. Trainers should closely monitor this type of sparring session to ensure the safety of those involved.
What do people who spar do?
While sparring, fighters move around the ring and try to stay on their toes in preparation for the next move. They practice attacking the opponent as well as their defensive moves to evade or protect against punches and kicks. In sports like MMA, fighters may also grapple during sparring sessions.
What is an example of sparring?
Sparring often takes place in a ring similar to the ones used for official matches. In training centers without an ring, another designated gym area may be used.
Sparring involves two fighters facing off and trying to get in punches, kicks and other moves. The fighters work on their footwork and practice offensive and defensive moves. A video example of actual MMA sparring can be seen here.

Gary C. Klein/USA TODAY Sports
What types of sparring gear do you need?
Fighters need to protect themselves with the right gear while sparring. The following types of sparring gear are recommended for fighters.
Mouth guard
Blows to the face can potentially cause injury to the mouth and jaw. That’s why a mouthguard is so important for any combat sport. By wearing this type of protective gear, fighters are less likely to sustain serious injuries to their teeth, mouth and jaw.
Protecting the hands is essential in combat sports. A pair of padded gloves will help minimize the risk of injury to the hands while also offering some added wrist support. MMA fighters often use lightweight, streamlined gloves or hand wraps for more dexterity when grappling.
Groin protector
Male fighters usually wear a cup to help protect the groin. The cup can be worn with a jock strap, although many fighters prefer to wear compression shorts that come with a built-in pocket for the cup.
Shin guard
MMA and many other martial arts involve both punches and kicks, so having shin instep guards helps to prevent leg injuries. There are different styles of shin guards available, so look for a pair that offers good protection without being too bulky.
Optional gear
Headgear helps to cushion against head blows while also protecting against cuts and scrapes. Many fighters wear a head guard while sparring to prevent head injuries. Chest guards are also worn by some fighters during training for added protection.
What is the purpose of sparring?
Sparring helps fighters improve their skills and reaction time. It provides a more realistic experience of applying the skills that are often first practiced on bags or dummies. In addition, sparring partners can learn from each other and both become better fighters.
What are the benefits of sparring?
Some of the benefits that MMA fighters get from sparring include:
Improving technique
Sparring offers a controlled environment where fighters can work on their skills. It has the feel of a real fight without being as intense or dangerous. This allows the athletes to focus more on their technique, including punches, kicks, defensive moves and footwork.
Boosting stamina
A sparring session requires endurance to keep up with an opponent. Participants have to be on their toes and constantly be on the move. This helps to increase a fighter’s stamina in preparation for a real fight. Trainers sometimes use timers for sparring matches to help fighters get a better sense of how long they need to keep their energy up for each round of a fight.
Mental preparation
Fighters frequently practice skills and run drills on their own, but these activities don’t have the feel of a real fight. By getting in the ring with an opponent, fighters can better prepare themselves mentally for an upcoming bout.
Can you learn to fight without sparring?
It’s impossible to learn anything without practice, including fighting. For boxing and MMA, sparring is necessary because it’s how fighters learn what would work in a real fight. The sparring process also allows fighters to identify their weak spots so they can work on them.
What is a good tip for sparring?
One of the most important tips for sparring is to remember that you aren’t in a real fight. Sparring should not be as intense as an actual bout, and the participants should not try to cause injury to one another. Talk to your sparring partner beforehand to make sure you agree on the appropriate intensity level for your sparring match.
What is sparring in a relationship?
The term “sparring” is sometimes applied to personal relationships, such as that with a romantic partner or friend. In this context, the term refers to verbal sparring between two or more people. It’s often used on word lists as a synonym for arguing.
In relationships, sparring can be serious in nature, like a couple having a heated argument. However, sparring in relationships can also be more lighthearted, like two friends enjoying a lively debate on a political topic.
An example sentence for this use of the word “sparring” might be: “The newspaper’s copyeditors could often be found sparring during their lunch breaks, usually debating over the use of British English terms or whether Roget’s or Merriam-Webster was the superior thesaurus.”
Examples of how sparring is used in commentary
1. Golovkin has been keeping sharp, sparring often and staying in the gym preparing for his next fight.
Sports the term is used
Also seen as:
1. Spar