hit*ters count
What Is The Definition Of Hitter’s Count In Baseball?
1. A hitter’s count is a term used in baseball to describe a balls and strikes count that favor’s the batter during a single at-bat. A favorable hitter’s count is usually one where the batter has at least two more balls than strikes, however, the count that is mainly described as a hitter’s count is when it is 2-0, or two balls and no strikes. The reason for this being is because it allows the batter to be more selective on pitches that he/she receives and forces the pitcher to throw a strike. If the pitcher fails to throw a strike on 2-0 and allows the count to get to 3-0, the batter has at least two more pitches to draw another ball and get a free pass on a walk.
Example Of How Hitter’s Count Is Used In Commentary
1. Betts doesn’t bite on the change-up en route to a hitter’s count at 2-0 with two outs in the bottom of the ninth.
Sports The Term Is Used
1. Baseball
2. Softball