dink and dunk
What Is The Definition Of Dink And Dunk In Football?
1. This term is used in football to describe an offense that makes short passes for most of the game in order to move downfield. These short passes typically result in only modest yardage gains of about 10 yards or less.
Dink and dunk is generally a disparaging term since the strategy often develops on teams with an inexpert quarterback. However, even teams with experienced quarterbacks may use this strategy if they have to move down the field quickly in order to score a field goal.
Examples Of How Dink And Dunk Is Used In Commentary
1. The Broncos are eventually need to try to go downfield, as this dink and dunk method is not working for them, since it makes their offense predictable and easy to cover. Osweiler is going to have to find some confidence and try to make some longer passes.
Sports The Term Is Used
1. Football