cheat the poc*ket
What Is The Definition Of Cheat The Pocket In Billiards?
1. Cheat the pocket is using the whole pocket to make the shot and have the cue ball move in a direction that is going to aid your next shot. Lower skill players or those who are not familiar with the game only think about the current shot. Professional players can avoid making a mistake by cheating the pocket to position the cue ball and continue their turn.
Aiming the cue ball to the side, rather than the middle of the ball, to make the shot allows the cue ball to hit the edge of the pocket and return or go in a direction that benefits the next shot, if lined up correctly. Players do not need a lot of force when shooting because the cue ball does not lose speed when it grazes the target ball and bounces off the pocket.
Example Of How Cheat The Pocket Is Used In Commentary
1. Kelly Fisher is going to have to cheat the pocket on this ball if she wants the first shot at the 8-ball.
Sport The Term Is Used
1. Billiards