Michael Jordan has never been short of confident.

Sam Sharpe/USA TODAY Sports
That still translates today, where the hall of famer is now 52 years old. When asked during an interview with a French media source about whether or not he thinks he could beat some of his Charlotte Hornets players in an game of one-on-one, Jordan didn’t hesitate.
He said: I’m pretty sure I can so I don’t want to do that and demolish their confidence so I stay away from them. I let them think that they’re good… but I’m too old to do that anyway.
That’s right, Jordan said he would demolish their confidence. Not hurt, but DEMOLISH. Even though many of the players are close to 30 years younger than him, Jordan speaks with such confidence, that you can’t help believe. I just wish that we could catch a glimpse of maybe ONE game of him taking on one of his players. Similar as to watching him here in a pick-up game, talking trash.
Check out the video below for Jordan’s full interview.